rate registers - tou calendar - pnpscada


2019-06-21 09:35

to setup a TOU tariff, please see this link

Tags: calendarstou

2022-11-09 06:42
Last Edited 2022-11-14 06:26

This screen (Edit->Calendar Registers) maps registers in the meter, to registers in PNPSCADA.

It also maps the registers in PNPSCADA, to registers in bill exports.

The main registers in PNPSCADA are E1,E2,F1-F4 and S.
E1 is the normal total that you see when you look at the display of a meter. (OBIS code is 1.8.0)
E2 is the total that adds up when you push electricity back into the grid, such as solar. (OBIS code is 2.8.0)
P1,P2,Q1-Q4 is the equivalent in delta form (so not accumulating totals but deltas).
You can then have a total in a meter that only accumulates during certain events, such as based on a calendar or whether a generator is running.
OBIS code for these are typically:
1.8.1 - Peak
1.8.2 - STD
1.8.3 - Off Peak
1.8.4 - Generator Power
However, meters can technically call these registers whatever they want, and for some meters they even allow the user to call these registers whatever they want.

I assume you already know how to setup a TOU Calendar.

Map from Meter to PNPSCADA
So the first step is to create a calendar (File->New->Calendar) to do this mapping. (You can re-use the calendar on all meters with the same setup)
(You might also want to add all the TOU rates at this point, if it is TOU rates you want to link)
Then link the Calendar to the Meter under Edit->Advanced Meter Settings->Register Calendars.
Next under Edit->Advanced Meter Settings->Sets to read make sure Billing Registers are ticked and read the meter under Tools->Communication Monitor.
You should now see those Billing Registers that were read under View->Meter Registers.
Look at the heading in this screen for the value before the square brackets, because that is the name that this meter calls each register.
You can then copy that name and go to the linked calendar to Edit->Calendar Registers.
Here you want to select the Rate Period for which this Total applies, in the first column.
Then paste the name that the meter calls the register, from the previous step, under the Meter Register Descriptor column.
Check the quantities that this rate applies to. e.g. For normal TOU, this would be P1 / for generator P2 / Demand is S / Reactive is Q1.
You can now open Edit->TOU Billing Register Values and it should populate the screen with all the Billing Registers read from the meter but only the ones that where mapped by the Calendar.

The system will now use these registers where you have used those quantities (Under Edit->Tariff Line Items) and linked them to this Calendar's Rate Periods.

Map from PNPSCADA to Bill Export
Bill Exports might have different names for Peak, Standard and Off Peak. e.g. One Bill Export might call the Peak registers P, whereas another might call it 000001034968.
(Some Bill Exports require you to first import a file containing the Meters and Registers that need to be populated into the file.
PNPSCADA then populates this file and gives it back to the user.)
So to do this mapping, do the same setup as in the previous section.
If you are not reading the registers from the meter, then just do the blue lines from the previous section.
Then under Edit->Calendar Registers->Billing Register Descriptor enter the name that the Bill Export calls the Register for this meter.
NOTE: this field can be a comma-separated list of names, if the Bill Export uses different names for Peak.
This should now do the mapping in the import file to the correct registers in PNPSCADA.
NOTE: for some exports, to get S, you need to tick P1 and Q1, not S.

Tags: billing registers
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