Imagine a world with complete information integration.
Where you can see the invisible electricity pulsing through the wires in your house with Smart Meters. Where you can understand the implications of the tap dripping in your bathroom with real time Money per Hour displays, as simply as glancing at your watch. Where you can immediately and intuitively see if you're wasting money, and exactly where.
Where you can monitor and control all your services and devices from anywhere in the world. Your gate, you alarm system, your lights, your car, the weather at your beach house, the intercom at your front door ...
Even from your cell phone, when you're on the road. Where you can buy a device in a shop, register it on a web site, and immediately start using and controlling it remotely.
Imagine the internet coming into your world to give you information on your terms, instead of asking you to go into the world of the computer to get your information. Mapping reality in cyber space.
Computing Dictionary: Scada Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) Systems are used in industry to monitor and control plant status and provide logging facilities. SCADA systems are highly configurable, and usually interface to the plant via PLCs.
This Vision is called: Plug and Play Scada.
We feel that everybody needs Scada in some form, but until now could not afford it. At SDG Technologies we are working to make Scada/AMR/AMI as affordable as bread and milk, and as easy and satisfying to use.
Having extensive development experience in Scada, Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) and Protection systems, our AMR functionality compares well with the best in the world.
SDG Technologies is mainly a Development House of Hardware and Software Solutions to make AMR and Scada easier. We do not compete with AMR service companies ourselves, but rather help many reseller companies to provide AMR/AMI/Scada services to the world. You are free to use the service as is (go to New account), and do all the hardware procurement and hardware & software configuration and installation yourself.
You can configure the COMPLETE solution from your web browser, including Tariffs, Time of Use; adding Modems, Meters, third party logins, etc.
Alternatively you can buy your equipment from us. If you do, we pre-configure and test the hardware as much as possible (including cables), as well as pre-configure the software components on your login. Ask us about a preferred reseller in your area to come and install it.
(alternatively, we can ship the pre-tested solution to you, and you can install it yourself). Now THAT is Plug and Play!! 
Training and support is provided for technicians, managers and resellers alike (applicants welcome), on hardware installation as well as on the software. We also have a list of courses offered by outside companies that comes highly recommended for the budding AMR specialist.
All major meter and modem brands are supported (CSD and GPRS - both with or without an APN), as well as generic communication over RS232/TCP-IP/RS485/PLC and RF Mesh. In addition to Multi-Vendor Support, we also provide complete Machine to Machine (M2M) interfaces to our service from third party systems via Web Services. The focus is on Flexibility, Interoperability and using Open Standards. All vendors welcome.
Internationalization is supported, including concurrent different time zones on the same server - with and without daylight saving - and international currencies for the billing side of things. Currently the service is provided in English.
Using Plug and Play Scada, it is quick to set up your meters to call in via GPRS from any country in the world, accross international borders.
Clients may use a simple Web login to view their consumption profile and billing information - no training necessary and very little or no support needed. We supply a role based security system, where you can manage your clients' rights from your admin login. No ActiveX or Applets or Plugins necessary. Interactive and Real Time functionality is provided through Normal Open Standard HTML and JavaScript (similar to Ajax). Multi-Browser support.
You may run on our hosted service (hosted in a professional hosting facility with maximized up-time), or you can order a server to run at your own site. Ownership option is available if you're running the server at your own site. Windows is also supported.
Plug and Play Scada provides an easy interface, with context sensitive Help provided on every page. Read the FAQ for more technical questions, or come for training to extend your skills.
Many people in South Africa today make AMR buying decisions without any knowledge on the subject. This results in failed AMR installations, giving AMR a bad name in the market, and generally moving us back into a world where information is disintegrated from our life.
With AMR, as with most endeavors in life, the battle is won or lost at the Planning phase.
Therefore, the most important area for you to invest in, is your own education and knowledge. If you want to invest in AMR, come for training.
Please phone Thea van Zyl at +27100031015 to book. The AMR Orientation course runs weekly on Tuesday mornings in Johannesburg, and is free. After that, you should be better able to plan your road forward with AMR.