bill export - meter accounts - pnpscada


2018-06-06 10:39

for more information on the billing process, see here

Tags: billing

2018-06-06 10:23

For MDA Property Systems Meter Reading Text Download (.txt)
see this link
Basically make sure your labels' names are Site code, Shop Number and Building and that you put in an 8 digit code into Account Number and a 4 digit code into Site code
Edit: Sometimes Account Number must be only a 4 digit code. It seems to be a setting in MDA

Tags: bill export

2020-05-14 06:33

nicor export:
To get different utilities, please end your Meter Account's name and number with one of these (default is electricity 1):

WAT = code 6

KVA = code 2

RAT = code 3

REF = code 4

EFF = code 7

SEW = code 7

GAS = code 5

COM = code 8

Tags: bill exportnicor

2019-09-25 10:52

SAMRAS export:
First you need to create Calendars
Look in the upload file from SAMRAS how many times a meter is listed with the same Service Code (E or K)
e.g. if there are 2 Demand Line Items on a Meter (such as Winter/Summer or 'with and without NMD'), you will find 2 'K' Service Code lines for the same meter.
If there are some meters in the same upload with 2 K's and other meters with 1 K (or E or whatever Service Code they have), you'll need to separate these with different calendars.
Next create a calendar and give it a name such as 1E2K. [edit: actually you want to use the same calendar as the tariff that the meter is linked to, if there is any. e.g. if your Tariff links in on a Calendar called Eskom TOU, then the Rate Registers must be set up in Eskom TOU and the Meter must link to Eskom TOU under Edit->Advanced Meter Settings]
Go to that Calendar's Edit->Calendar Registers screen, and make an entry for each Service Code as shown below.
If a Service Code appears twice, you'll need to put [1/2] after it for the first one or [2/2] for the second one.

PLEASE NOTE! If the E register is still not recognized with the export, even though there is only one, try to enter E[1/1] for the Billing Register Descriptor, that should circumvent the problem.
If you have 2 of the same Rate Registers (e.g Peak Import and Peak Export), you'll need to clone the calendar and link the one on the one calendar and the other on the other calendar. Simply putting E[1/6] and E[4/6] to distinguish the 2 Line Items will not work. So you'll have E[1/6]-E[3/6] setup in the one calendar and E[4/6]-E[6/6] in the second calendar.
If you are drawing from Billing Registers, you'll need to delete and re-capture those Billing Registers.

Then select each meter and go to it's Edit->Advanced Meter Settings screen.
Under Register Calendars make sure your Calendar(s) is selected.

You can now run the bill, and then export

Tags: bill exportsamras

2020-10-06 14:22

Improvon export:

The Account Number is the first column of the CSV download (MeterNo). That must be set up accordingly in PNPSCADA.

The Tariff item description must START with the ChargeCode.

That is all that you need to set up to be able to generate the Improvon export from a published bill.


2022-10-05 17:57

Changes to the SAMRAS export:
You can now specify a comma delimited string for Billing Register Descriptor in the Calendar associated with the meter, containing a lot of serviceKey values, e.g. 000000646909,000000646907,000000646905,000000646901. You can thereby effectively identify each and every tariff line for every individual account. This is useful if the register makeup of the accounts in the SAMRAS system is all over the show with no consistent sequence, pattern or other way to identify them in a general fashion.

Please note, if you have TOU registers with no captured readings from the meter, the first actual Import/Export will capture the Start Reading in the SAMRAS file into the database. From there it would work them out via counting up the profile.
So it might be, if SAMRAS passes a reading of Zero for a TOU register start reading, if the meter had profile beforehand, the Monthly Bill could have a larger end reading than the export file. In such a case, you should delete and rerun the actual Monthly Bill to synchronize it with the captured total that was automatically captured from the SAMRAS system at the time of the Bill Export.


2023-08-14 08:19

Venus BG510 BCX upload file expects this format:

Unit (27 characters)
Stand Address (30 characters)
Name (30 characters)
Meter Type (4 characters)
Meter No (10 characters)
Max Digits (1 characters)
Factor (11 characters)
Reading (11 characters)
Reading Date (6 characters)
Record Code (2 characters)
Manual Municipal Identification (7 characters)
Unit (4 characters)

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