totals edit - meter - pnpscada


2018-06-08 15:04

You can view, capture and delete totals as well as audit meter data.
Some totals are grayed out. These are called check totals. They are totals that are not on the half hour and thus cannot be used in conjunction with the half hour profile values.
To Capture a New Total
Click on Enter Manual Reading top center.
A new row will show at the top of the table.
You can enter a date in the first column.
Active Import is the main consumption where you would typically capture a Total.
Remember to click the Set button in the last column.
Manually Captured Totals have a status of 9.
When capturing a new total, half hour profile values are also generated (interpolated) to add up to the difference between this total and the previous.
To Delete A Total
Click on the delete link in the last column.
If there is no delete link, it is because the total was read from the meter (status 3) and might re-appear next time the system reads the meter.
If you still want to delete that total, you can Capture a Manual Total over the this one (same date and time). That should change the status to 9 and give you an option to delete.
There are 2 ways to calculate monthly consumption. A) End Total - Start Total  B) Sum of Half Hour Profile Values
Both ways should come to exactly the same value. If they don't, you have an audit error.
For each consecutive total shown, the system also sums the half hour profile values between the two totals and compares it with difference in the totals.
Depending on how the difference in totals compares to the sum of profile, the totals will be highlighted according to the legend at the bottom of the table.
Audit errors can happen for various reasons:
1) CT reprogram (likely)
2) Meter data scaling (likely). Under Tools->Modify Readings
3) Meter Faulty (unlikely)
When encountering an audit error, you need to decide which are more accurate (or necessary). The Profile or the Totals.
If the meter is on a demand tariff, the profile is typically invaluable.
In the case of CT reprogram or Data Scaling, the Profile values will typically be more accurate.
In the case of manual meter readings, the Totals are typically more accurate.
When you have decided which one to keep, you can make the other one to match up. The match up process is always done from last readings to first readings. This is because the meter is currently on a specific total so the next total read from the meter will go on from the last one.
The check totals cannot be made to match up, so the easiest is just to delete them. Click on hide check totals, then delete check totals.
In the case of profile being right, you can recalculate totals:
Clicking on recalculate (last column) will take the next total and subtract the in between profile values tot get to what this total should have been.
In the case of totals being right, you can re-interpolate profile:
Click on reinterpolate link (last column) to generate profile between this total and the next that will add up to the same value as the difference of the totals. Note that interpolation will works only for consumption, and not for demand.

Tags: auditbillingtotals

2019-10-08 05:35

Video about audits:


2020-08-07 11:32
Last Edited 2022-05-18 11:46

Concerning the status, it can be a number with 6 digits.

Every digit corresponds in reverse order to the columns of the table to the left.

For example, a status of 854321 would mean:
Active Import Energy Total, was Calculated in isolation (from 0, taking only Profile into account)
Reactive Energy Q1 Total. was Calculated from a reading from the meter (using Profile)
Active Export Energy Total, was read from the Meter (can be multiplied or reclocked)
Reactive Energy Q2 Total, was estimated for billing (status 4)
Reactive Energy Q3 Total, was read from the meter in real time (status 5)
Reactive Energy Q4 Total, was calculated from a manual reading entered by the customer.

If there are more than 6 digits, it is a Check Total, not directly taken into consideration for billing calculations together with Profile values. Its Timestamp is probably not divisable by the profile period.


2020-10-07 09:45

Why are totals before CT reprogram useless?
Lets take the follow simple example:
CT: 5/5
Start total:2019-12-31 22:00 10kWh
End total:2019-12-31 23:30 16kWh
Half hour readings between start and end total 
2019-12-31 22:30 1kWh
2019-12-31 23:00 2kWh
2019-12-31 23:30 3kWh
So we see consumption is 1 + 2 + 3 = 6kWh
and start total + consumption = end total
10 + 6 = 16kWh

Now lets say we reprogram the CT at 01:30 to 100/5

Ratio to go from old CT to new CT (100/5) / (5/5) = 20.0

If we multiply all the values with the ratio
start total: 10*20=200
half hour 1: 1*20=20
half hour 2: 2*20=40
half hour 3: 3*20=60
end total: 16*20=320

we can see that the formula still works:
start total + consumption = end total
200 + 20 + 40 + 60 = 320

however when you reprogram the CT meters don't multiply the total.
So the end total stays at 16kWh

So to make this work, you have 2 options:
1) delete all totals before changing CT
2) recalculate all totals before CT change working backwards from the total at time of CT change
the problem with this technique is you can end up with negative totals (not the same as negative consumption)
so end total 16kWh
16 - 20 - 40 - 60 = -104
Start total = -104kWh

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