Populate Bulk Capture Manual Electricity Readings screen from file


2014-03-26 17:01

You can populate the Bulk Capture Manual Electricity Readings from a CSV file.
To do this follow these steps:
1) make a CSV with 2-4 columns.
Column 1: Meter Serial
Column 2: kWh
Column 3: kVA (optional)
Column 4: kvarh (optional)

2) Then go to Tools->Bulk Capture Manual Electricity Readings

3) Set the date and time at the top that you want to import on.
4) Scroll to the bottom and click on the file upload button and select your CSV.
5) You will get a message on how many lines were populated, or a message on how to make a CSV file, if not lines were successfully populated.

6) Remember that this does not upload the values, but merely populates the screen, so you should click on Create to upload the readings.

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