What Protocols do PNPSCADA support?


2019-05-02 11:53

PNPSCADA supports the following protocols at the time of writing:

  • BACnet (sub metering per room in: Daiken aircon system, LG aircon system)
  • CSV file format, for export and import of bills, profile, readings, etc
  • DHCP server (for capturing Metacom modems and Enistic routers)
  • DL/T645 (old Hexing, INHE, Hexing concentrators) 
  • DLMS/COSEM of sub-types HDLC and TCP (Itron ACE6000 & SL7000, new Hexing, Bluestar, Holley, Landis & Gyr, Wasion-Netvendor, Wasion-Siemens)
  • DNS server (for capturing Enistic routers)
  • FTP Client (Elspec)
  • FTP Server (Sensus Scout, Sensus iPerl)
  • Hayes modem AT command set (Truteq modems, Kocos modems via SMS, BillingOnline modems via SMS)
  • HTTP/HTTPS Client & Server
  • IEC61107 (sub-types: STS Flag, Elster - many flavors, Landis & Gyr, Wasion-Netvendor, ISKRA)
  • IP-Telemetry, modem protocol (SyM2, Itron Sparklet, some Landis & Gyr modems)
  • Irda, proprietary (Elster, KOCOS)
  • json Client (OpenHAB: from there to Elster A1140, Modbus Coil and W-MBus: Sensus, Kamstrup, Friendcom, etc)
  • M-Bus (Echelon server, Kamstrup server, or direct via Relay M-Bus Master PW20 module) 
  • ModbusTCP and ModbusRTU (PvZ RTU, Schneider, Janitza, PowerCOM modules, etc)
  • OPC Client
  • Proprietary (EDMI, PRI/Premier, Wasion G3-PLC concentrator protocol)
  • Rest XML Server (PNPSCADA web services, USSD integration, Kocos Push meters)
  • Rest XML Client (RMS server, Kamstrup server, CommunitySMS for sending SMS, etc)
  • SML (SyM2 (squared), SyM2 backplane)
  • SMPP for sending SMS
  • SMTP Client for sending email
  • SNMP (export real time meter values to SCADA system at Mondi Merewent and Namibia Breweries)
  • SOAP Client (Echelon server, MeteringOnline server)
  • SOAP Server (SAP)
  • SQL client
  • SSH Client (Accessing Vixnet server for WAN RF water pulse counter and valve)
  • Trutalk (Truteq modems, for pulse counting, temperatures, etc)
  • Wavenis/Coronis Mesh (Pulse counters for water)
  • Wireless M-Bus (via Echelon server, via Kamstrup server or via SDG OpenHAB concentrator: Kamstrup water meters, Sensus iPerl, Sensus Han gas pulse box, Friendcom)
  • XML (Have both server and client elements of this, sometimes wrapped in SOAP as with the Echelon server)

Tags: inhe meterlandis & gyrmodbussym2
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