Water Meter: Sorting out a 404 Error


2018-11-16 13:45

is it the 404 problem?

So what needs to be done is:
1) stop the java process on the concentrator (put the # in the start.sh and kill java)
2) fix the db
3) restart the java process

Now concerning fixing the db:
a) it is called something like mapdb somewhere on the bbb
b) there could be a backup on the bbb somewhere
c) ls the db (I think it is somewhere under userdata)
is the db TOO BIG?
this is often the case, when it is bad
if there is a backup on the bbb somewhere, put the backup back over it
then you have to put the empty db from the image on adam (I think we saved one in your /home ?)
which means that all the meters and encryption keys will have to be re-explored and re-programmed in, and probably the itemless things needs to be fixed
ok. ask specific questions as you go along
the db could be called something like storage.mapdb
I think there are 3 files with slightly different names... in the same directory somewhere under userdata
root@beaglebone:/usr/openhab2/MASTER/userdata/mapdb# ls
storage.mapdb  storage.mapdb.p  storage.mapdb.t

Latest pnpscadawmbus file.
fc138328b31968ba0c56974c5d94b369  pnpscadawmbus.jar
895954 Oct 25 11:00 pnpscadawmbus.jarenter message...

Tags: concentratoropenhabwater concentratorwater meter
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